Melanie Porter

Having Custom Explainer Videos Made for Your Business

Videos are an integral part of the modern media landscape, and this has made it essential for businesses to incorporate videos into their marketing strategy. Unfortunately, limited experience having these videos made can make it harder to successfully get the results you are wanting. Decide on a Marketing Strategy for the Video Before Commissioning It Regardless of the type of video that you are needing to have made, it is important to have a marketing plan for the final product as soon as it is ready. Read More 

Born Under A Bad Star: Is Your Life Cursed? And Other Astrological Questions Answered

An astrologist will wave a hand in someone's direction and say, "Oh, do not mind him/her. He/she was born under a bad star." What, exactly does that mean? Does it mean that that person is ill-tempered or just has bad luck? If you are really "born under a bad star," can you "change your stars"? The only way to tell for sure is to conduct an astrological chart analysis consultation. Astrologists do these consultations on a regular basis, but they need some important details from you in order to chart your destiny (according to the stars). Read More 

4 Things To Know About Chroma Key Flooring

Chroma key flooring is a special type of flooring that is used for shooting movies, television shows, and commercials. It essentially creates a green screen, allowing you to change the flooring in the scenes that you are shooting. It can also be hung up and used to create a green screen back-drop for whatever you are filming. The Flooring Is Lightweight In most situations, chroma flooring is put down for a temporary shoot. Read More 

Why You May Want To Use Portable Offices For Your Work Sites

If you are running a company that works construction, you might want to think about buying some of the portable site cabins for sale and using those at each work location. To help you understand why this would be such a good idea, you will want to review the following benefits. This way, you will be able to start making good use of the portable offices for your company. You Can Keep An Eye On Things Better Read More 

3 Good Reasons To Invest Your Money Into A Heavy-Duty Toolbox For Mechanics

Are you a mechanic who regularly works on different types of vehicles? Because you may need to handle all kinds of repairs for your clients, you will likely need to use a huge selection of different tools to help you complete each job with ease. A simple solution to keeping your tools organized is to purchase and use one of the heavy-duty mechanic tool boxes. These types of tool boxes make it easier for mechanics to stay organized while easily accessing the items they need. Read More